As a responsible company, we have reviewed all areas of our business to assess what measures we should take to minimise the risk of our clients and staff.
We are very aware that we must continue to offer a professional service for our home-sellers and buyers, but we do so in the knowledge that with restrictions on movement and natural concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19, there will almost certainly be an impact on our ability to perform as “normal” in some aspects of our service.
If you are concerned about moving home, at challenger burgess we want to reassure you that we are committed to continuing to help people move safely and responsibly. This means that if you were preparing to buy or sell this year, there is absolutely no reason why we cannot make this happen for you, whilst ensuring the health and well-being of you, our valued clients.
We have created virtual tours for all our properties that we are selling to ensure that sellers and buyers can continue to sell or buy a property during these challenging times. The safest way to start this process is with a personal virtual tour.
We have listed the provisions we have implemented that your health and safety come first. Below we have set-out our current policy as of 1st November 2020 following the most recent Government guidance.

At the point of booking a viewing, for your safety we will assess if you are “at risk or vulnerable”. During the lockdown period you will be asked to carry out your first viewing virtually, we will take you on a personalised virtual 3D tour of the property, being on hand to answer any questions you may have. We will then book the second viewing in the property. You will be thoroughly screened to ensure we understand your ability and buying position/timescale/suitability as buyers. We request that you provide your own PPE and hand sanitiser. Only 2 people can attend an accompanied viewing at one time. You will be asked not to touch any door handles, light switches, or surfaces. You must observe the 2 metre social distancing guidelines at all times. No literature (property details, application forms, etc.) can be passed to you – all information will be supplied electronically.
At the point of booking a valuation, for your safety we will assess if you are “at risk or vulnerable”. We will ensure that we use PPE and hand sanitiser/gloves prior to and during the physical valuation. We will ensure 2 metre social distancing guidelines throughout the valuation appointment. We will ask you (where possible) to open all doors, turn on lights where required in readiness for the appointment. If the appointment is an “Instruction” – you will be asked to prepare the house in readiness for internal photographs and virtual tour. We will avoid touching door/cupboard handles, light switches, and surfaces, unless wearing gloves. As part of our marketing package we can produce a 3D virtual Tour of your property, so if you do unfortunately have to self-isolate, we can continue to actively show potential buyers around your property.